Contact options

contact, call me, email me, diabetes

Get in touch

Firstly let me thank you for getting past the home page, I know there are thousands of sites like this but if you like mine then contact me and let me know

Facebook Meet up group

If you are interested in joining us for social meet ups, mainly based in Central London, please join our Facebook group

Type 1 Meetups

I’m on Twitter

If you would like to get involved in the GBDOC on Twitter, why not start off by following me and getting involved from there

➡ Link to Twitter home of #gbdoc

Contact Me

If you wish to get in touch regarding anything else you have seen on this site or any requests for blogs on certain topics please email me on the address below

Alternatively please use the contact form below

Take care and see you there


[contact-form-7 id=”51″ title=”Contact me for details on upcoming events and meetups”]

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